Monday 10 November 2014


This experience was a strange one. We wanted a good feed after our show and someone recommended this place. We were the only people in the restaurant and the waiter was an older gentleman who didn't appear to know the menu at all. I was very worried that he didn't understand my dietary requests and we were all quite skeptical that we wouldn't get what we ordered. We didn't hear a peep from the kitchen then suddenly our meals arrived on the table...and they were amazing! Huge servings, the language barrier obviously wasn't as much of a barrier as we had thought, and it was all fresh and delicious. Big thumbs up to Mai Thai.

We had to come back one last time before continuing on our journey. I had the one thing I can have on the menu and it was delicious, as always.

Tell you what, the Europeans sure know how to rock a breakfast buffet. The food here was incredible, and thankfully included in our room rate. One of the mornings I sat and ate for about three hours. Over the two breakfasts I enjoyed fruit, baked beans, baked potato wedges, mushrooms, gluten free bread, gluten free cereal, rice noodles and tofu (wasn't sure whether the soup was Jen-friendly), salad and more. Fantastic!

We had a huge walk around Prague and I was starving. It looked like there were things I could eat in Sushi Time so I had a squiz. I got a miso soup (amazingly good, lots of tofu), sushi and kimchi. I could have eaten ten miso soups. In fact I probably should have just gotten ten miso soups. I'll know for next time. Jonny Mac and I were picking up packaged foods and taking them to the counter asking, "is this vegetarian?" It was a hoot.

We went here the first night we arrived in Prague, as the brewery was acting as the venue for the music festival we were playing at the next day. I had a yummy grilled vegetable dish with a baked potato but it arrived covered in parmesan so it looked gross by the time I had violently scraped all the cheese off. No photo of that, but just pretend it looked great. After we played they brought us dinner; I had this grilled vegetable salad. It was pretty good, but I had massive potato envy. So much potato envy I almost cried.

Be still my beating heart. When we arrived in Hamburg I opened my Happy Cow app and discovered that we were 450m from this vegan takeaway. They had just run out of gluten free burgers but I was happy with fries, salad, a huge chocolate bar and the most incredible ice cream I've ever tasted. Might have to go back tonight for more.

Another example of fantastic buffet breakfasts. This one cost €22 but I didn't even mind. When I looked online to check the cost, it was all in German so I couldn't read it but on the breakfast page there was a huge vegan symbol. I was ecstatic. I went to the bistro and checked if they had gluten free things and the man said yes, take a seat and I will bring you glutenfrei. He brought me sliced bread, fresh hot bread rolls and muesli. I sat for a couple of hours and gorged myself, many happies.

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