Thursday 2 October 2014

Welcome back!

Hello there! For a couple of years I've been writing a travel/tour blog (Jen Boyce Travels) and also posting photos of food (and cats - the two most important things on the internet!) on my Instagram (@catsandfood) but I've decided to come back here and write a blog about my food adventures. As I travel a lot, I often eat at restaurants and cafes and have to make do with very strange food options sometimes. The amount of times I have been forced to eat a packet of potato crisps for breakfast is disgusting. Amusing, but disgusting.

People often ask me how much it costs to eat vegan and gluten free (not that much if you do it right!) and also how I manage to find suitable food everywhere I go. It's a matter of researching beforehand and choosing a restaurant or cafe that you think looks most suitable and most likely to cooperate with your dietary requirements, and also being confident to ask for exactly what you want when you arrive. This includes stating exactly what you want and don't want, and asking for ingredients listings etc.

So, here I am. I've been vegan for a couple of years and gluten free for over ten years. I absolutely LOVE food and always have. I'm aiming to post photos and info about food I find during my travels, and also photos and recipes of food I make at home or on the road. I'll try to include cost where I can, and details of the establishment I got the food from. Okay then, please enjoy. If you have any questions or want the recipe or advice for anything in particular, feel free to let me know!

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